Lexx screen captures by Angelbacchae

6th May 2007: IT'S HERE! My new Lexx website is now ready for visitors! I won't be adding any more new captures here, but instead to my new site. And the most important thing.. the address is.. WWW.THEPICBUG.COM. I'll see you there!

I will also be deleting here the captures that already are in my new website.

Current capture situation: Captures from all the seasons are available for uploading.

Last updated on 15th April 2007
Added 119 captures from the episode 4x16

Old updates

Lexx: The Series started in 1997 as four two hour made for tv movies, which are usually considered as Lexx's first season. After the movies, Lexx was turned into a 'real' series: its second season contained 20 one hour episodes. Third season was a little shorter, having 13 episodes. Unfortunately, the fourth season was decided to be its last one having 24 episodes.

Even though the show is named Lexx, Lexx doesn't play such a big role as its crewmembers, who are the captain Stanley Tweedle (Brian Downey), a loveslave Xev (Xenia Seeberg), a dead ex-assassin Kai (Michael McManus)and a robothead 790.

(More info...)

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